Monday, August 12, 2013

More Patients May Opt for CR-39 Lenses

You may hear more patients turning down polycarbonates for CR-39s. The reason could be a Consumer Reports press release that has appeared on many news sites,, such as the one below from the Hartford Courant:
If you're like many of Consumer Reports' readers, you're buying prescription glasses from your eye doctor's office or an independent shop, and you're happy with the results. But you're probably paying much more than you would if you comparison shopped at different types of eyewear stores, including discounters such as Costco and online retailers. Doing just that, Consumer Reports was able to shave more than 40 percent off the prices of frames and lenses. That's good news considering that a pair of eyeglasses with just basic prescription lenses can cost you hundreds. When shopping for eyewear, Consumer Reports recommends: Research online. Even if you plan to buy locally, consider reading the how-to information on such websites as and Knowing something about the types of frames, lenses and coatings can help you understand your options and sense whether a store or website is trying to sell you more than you need. When Consumer Reports ordered glasses with a simple, single-vision prescription, one online shop automatically checked the box for $40 polycarbonate lenses, when $10 CR-39 lenses were just fine.
Read more.

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