Saturday, February 26, 2011

AAO Bashes KY for Optometric Surgery Bill

According to DailyFinance, "The following statement was released by Richard L. Abbott, MD, president of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, in response to the Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear signing an optometric surgery bill that presents serious risks to patients into law:

"The signing of Senate Bill 110 into law is a serious blow to patient safety in Kentucky. In almost every state in the country, eye surgery is performed by medical doctors with years of extensive medical and surgical training and experience. Now in Kentucky complicated eyelid surgeries, laser glaucoma surgeries and corneal punctures can be handled by optometrists with little more surgical experience than a weekend mini-course. Just like we only rely on trained pilots to fly our airplanes, surgery should only be performed by surgeons. Optometrists simply do not have the training necessary to perform these procedures or manage the kinds of serious complications that can arise during surgery. Surgical proficiency is acquired through years of medical education and clinical training by medical doctors. For the sake of patient safety across the commonwealth, Governor Beshear and the legislature need to take another look at the complications and impact of this dangerous law, before it's too late."

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