Sunday, November 16, 2014

Losing Sight with ‘No’ Reason Why

“The first hint the 68-year-old woman had that there was something really wrong with her eyes was that she kept having to enlarge the font on her computer. As a software analyst who spent most of her day in front of a screen, she knew that at times, usually in the late afternoon, bigger letters were easier on her eyes. But recently the words and letters blurred at all hours, and she found herself increasing the font size all the time. She hoped that it might be the screen — it was old and maybe not as sharp as it once was. But a new desktop display didn’t solve the problem,” writes Lisa Saunders, MD, in a New York Times Magazine article “Going Blind a Little at a Time.” “She went to her ophthalmologist. She’d always had pretty good vision, though she needed glasses for close work. Now an eyesight test showed that her eyes were much worse than they were the year before. The doctor examined her carefully. She had no cataracts. No sign of glaucoma. Her retinas were fine. Indeed, her eyes looked perfectly normal.” Read more.

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