"San Jacinto College (SJC) is partnering with Houston eye care professionals to deliver free exams and glasses to schoolchildren," says UlitmatePasadena. "The 'See to Succeed' program allows for the free screening,
examination, transportation and delivery of eyeglasses to 1st- through
12th-grade students across the Houston metroplex region. Vision
prescreening will be conducted at the schools.
Students who are identified as needing additional eye exams will be
transported to the Vision Partnership project located at the West End
Health Center for further care during one of four weeks throughout
October and November. If a student needs glasses, they may choose a pair
of frames to be customized and delivered to his or her school at a
later date." Read more.
Friday, September 30, 2011
MedPAC Recommendations about Medicare Reimbursement
Last week, the Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) introduced a proposal to fix the formula used to establish
Medicare physician pay that includes an 18 percent cut in reimbursement
for specialists (5.9 percent for three years), followed by a seven-year
freeze at the reduced level. Over the past decade, freezes in Medicare
reimbursement have already meant physician fees have lagged inflation by
about 16 percent. Read more.
AAO Partners with Sophrona for Electronic Health Record Incentive
The American Academy of Ophthalmology and Sophrona Solutions
have partnered to provide eye care practices with a
web-based, patient-communication portal. This initiative reportedly could help eye care
practices meet the Meaningful Use criteria of the electronic health record incentive program of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2010,
which rewards practices for using new medical record technology. One
measure of meaningful use requires doctors to show that "more than 10
percent of patients are provided patient-specific education resources"
electronically. This measure, while currently optional, could well
become a core requirement in the next stage of the EHR incentive
program. Read more.
FDA Warns Lasik Providers about False Claims
"The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is once again cracking down on
eye care professionals who make false safety claims and promises about
the popular Lasik eye surgery," says the DoctorsLounge. "The agency's Letter to Eye Care Professionals, issued this
week, follows an earlier warning from May of 2009. In its latest salvo
against deceptive, potentially harmful advertising, the FDA is now
giving eye doctors 90 days to get in line and update any advertising or
promotional materials that make false claims. After this time, the
agency will take regulatory action, said FDA spokeswoman Erica
Jefferson." Read more.
Plume Paris Offers New Line
Plume Paris frames will bring out new frames named
Trist and Yves will be part of our 2011 fall/winter collection. Both,
Trist and Yves are distinguished by their round stainless steel frames
that will remind the wearer of Old Century London. Read more.
Galbatti Launches New Line
Mario Galbatti, the eyewear collection manufactured by Best Image
Optical Inc, is releasing two (2) new frames as part of our new fall collection: MG 146 and MG 147. The MG 146 frames bring back the vintage cat-eye look in our new retro-chic release. The design concept behind the MG 146 is to recreate vintage eyewear fashion without sacrificing any modernization. The MG 147, a rimless and Stainless Steel frame brings another modern design to our collection. When designing the MG 147 additional attention was given to the temple design and color. Photos will be posted on www.mariogalbatti.com and www.bestimageoptical.net very soon. Read more.
Optical Inc, is releasing two (2) new frames as part of our new fall collection: MG 146 and MG 147. The MG 146 frames bring back the vintage cat-eye look in our new retro-chic release. The design concept behind the MG 146 is to recreate vintage eyewear fashion without sacrificing any modernization. The MG 147, a rimless and Stainless Steel frame brings another modern design to our collection. When designing the MG 147 additional attention was given to the temple design and color. Photos will be posted on www.mariogalbatti.com and www.bestimageoptical.net very soon. Read more.
iPhone/iPad App for Silouette Eyewear
Have you ever wondered what you would look like wearing a new model of eyewear? The Silhouette iMirror
, an app for the iPhone4 and iPad2, reportedly answers that question. App users can
watch themselves move around freely like in a real mirror, wearing any
pair of the famous sunglasses in the Silhouette collection. Read more.
Spot Said to Speed Up the Screen Process
Loma Linda University's Vision Intervention Program will use a new vision screener from PediaVision
called "Spot." The University's Department of Ophthalmology will use the screener when it offers free screenings to children from Riverside County, thanks to the support of First 5 Riverside. SpotR
reportedly will allow LLU's ECPs to accomplish that goal by quickly and effectively
screening children for indications of vision issues. The screening
results identify those in need of a complete vision exam from an eye
care specialist. Read more.
Safilo Has Yet to Re-Hook Up with Armani
"Italian eyewear maker Safilo failed to reassure investors on Thursday on the outcome of talks for the renewal of its key licence with the Armani group," reports Reuters. "Analysts estimate the contract with the Italian luxury house accounts for around 15 percent of sales at Safilo, Italy's No.2 high-end eyewear maker behind Luxottica." Read more.
Thursday, September 29, 2011
Austrailian Company Looks to Cut in on Luxxotica's Market Share
"Rodney Grunseit heads up Sunshades Eyewear, Australia’s biggest
privately owned eyewear company, which sells up to 3.5 million pairs per
year," according to SmartCompanyAustralia. "The company, which was founded by Grunseit’s mother Betty Lasse,
turns over $35 million a year and is looking to expand its international
operations to diversify from the shrinking Australian market. It is also hoping to capitalise on industry disquiet about the
dominance of Luxottica, which [licenses] Ray-Ban, Prada and Versace [brands] and has
been buying retailers and going vertical." Read more.
CL Users Know More about HDTVs Than Their CLs
"People spend much more time researching the technology behind their
purchases of the latest high definition gadgets than they do studying
the technology in their contact lenses," reports OpticianOnline. "A survey of 2,000 adults conducted by Bausch+Lomb showed that 80 per
cent of contact lens wearers own the latest HD TVs and high resolution
digital cameras.The study also revealed that 56 per cent spent two days researching
and deliberating over which products to buy and over a third spent a
week looking into their prospective high tech purchases." Read more.
App Reportedly Fixes Eyesight for Middleaged
"An app costing £60 ($95) that claims to turn back the eye's age
by 10 years and increase reading speed is to be released in the next few
months,." reports the International Business Times. "The expensive mobile app is expected to have a one-time charge, which
give access for three months, followed by a small monthly fee for
'maintenance.' The app comes under the popular 'brain-training' genre and is said to
have the potential to train the eye to the point of not requiring
reading glasses." Read more.
Lanvin Signs Licensing Agreement with DeRigo
"De Rigo Vision S.p.A., a leading company for high-end eyewear, and Lanvin, the historical French Luxury Brand, announce that they have signed a licensing agreement for the design, production and worldwide distribution of Lanvin sunglasses and prescription frames," according to Menann. Read more.
Wednesday, September 28, 2011
Health Insurance Premiums Rising Fast
"Major health insurance
companies have been charging sharply higher premiums this year,
outstripping any growth in workers’ wages and creating more uncertainty
for the Obama administration and employers who are struggling to drive
down an unrelenting rise in medical costs," reports the New York Times. "A study released on Tuesday by the Kaiser Family Foundation,
a research group, showed that the average annual premium for family
coverage through an employer reached $15,073 in 2011 — 9 percent higher
than in the previous year." Read more. Could the higher premiums lead to a cut in services offered, such as vision care?
Eye Candy Gets New Retail Experience
InternationalBusinessTimes reports that "creating a successful retail experience is a clever balancing
act of many factors; branding, interiors, product, marketing… miss one
vital ingredient and the whole soufflé comes caving in. That’s what
makes this interiors, branding and packaging exercise by Belgian
designers Creneau International
so brilliant. They’ve gone and thrown all the ingredients together,
into one super-cool retail cocktail. Designing colour-coded boxes for Eye Candy’s
collections of top-brand designer eyewear, the Belgium-based agency
have in turn used the packaging as the key element of the store’s
interiors… purchase the product and you take with you a part of the
interior design." Read more.
New Regs Boosts Eye Safety Sales; Bad Economy Pulls Them Down
"The protective eyewear industry thrives off of workplace safety
regulations," says DailyMarkets. "The most recent revision to standards in
2010 is expected to boost revenue as employers comply with the new
rules. However, revenue growth depends highly on industrial,
construction, and healthcare activity. Hence, the economic downturn of
recent years that slashed employment across the economy pulled down
demand for industry products. Revenue fell in 2008 and 2009, but it
returned to growth in 2010 along with rising industrial activity and
strong healthcare demand. Over the five years to 2011,revenue in the protective eyewear industry
is expected to grow at an average annualized rate of 1.1 percent to
$529.2 million, including an increase of 3.1 percent in 2011, said
IBISWorld analyst Brian Bueno." Read more.
Algorithm Can Determine Focus Error
Algorithmic art |
Treatment for a Form of Albinism
"Individuals with oculocutaneous albinism, type 1 (OCA1) have white hair,
very pale skin, and light-colored irises because they have none, or
very little, of the pigment melanin in their skin, hair, and eyes," reports MedicalNewsToday. "Affected individuals have impaired eyesight and a substantially
increased risk of skin cancer.
Current treatment options are limited to attempts to correct eyesight
and counseling to promote the use of sun protective measures. A team of
researchers, led by Brian Brooks, at the National Eye Institute,
Bethesda, has now generated data in mice that provide hope for a new
treatment for a subset of patients with OCA1." Read more.
Monday, September 26, 2011
The Cost of Low Vision in Ireland
"Vision impairment costs the State €386 million a year, according to a
report prepared for National Council of the Blind in Ireland (NCBI)," notes a IrishTimes post. "The Cost of Sight Loss
report, unveiled this morning by Minister for Health James Reilly,
found almost 225,000 people in Ireland are living with low vision or
sight loss. Some €117 million is spent on health costs related to
vision impairment and blindness and €269 million is lost through
indirect costs including lost productivity, welfare payments and
caregiver time, the report said." Read more.
Zeal Launches New Sunwear Line
Debuting at International Vision Expo West, Zeal Optics [www.zealoptics.com]
of Boulder, CO, known for launching the world’s first snow goggles with
GPS technology, will debut a new line of sunglasses, incorporating
proprietary technology that enhances vision for people who Move at the
Speed of Life™. Zeal will be the first optical company to use a
manufacturing process that is more environmentally friendly for
production of its entire optical portfolio. That's what its press release said. Read more.
Two Tests Measure Vision for Retinitis Pigmentosa Patients
Two new computerized tests increase the ability to measure remaining
vision in patients with retinitis pigmentosa (RP) and other blinding
diseases, reports a study in the October issue of Optometry and Vision Science, official journal of the American Academy of Optometry, according to a press release. The journal is published by Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, a part of Wolters Kluwer Health.The
new tests can assess visual acuity below the limit of detection of
standard tests—and may play an important role in evaluating new
treatments for severe vision loss, such as artificial retinas. The
study was performed by Ava K. Bittner, O.D., Ph.D., of Johns Hopkins
University. Read more.
Reusable CLs More Cost Effective--Sometimes
"In general, daily replacement contact lenses are more cost–effective
when worn on a part–time basis (1–3 DPW) and reusable lenses are more
cost–effective when worn full–time (4–7 DPW). This cost–per–wear model
will assist practitioners in making an informed decision when offering
advice to patients relating to the most suitable replacement modality," according to a post on MDLinx.
Lasik Takes a Tumble
OSNSuperSite reports that "the volume of Lasik/PRK performed each year in the United States has
fallen significantly during the current economic slowdown, from about 1.2
million procedures a year to about 750,000 projected for 2011." Read more.
Lightec Comes Out with New Alpha Collection
"Lightec is launching the Alpha 14 collection, featuring 5 new models for
men. A distinctive part of the frame’s design are the wide injected
crystal temples, which offer a contemporary and pure look," according to a post on MidWestLens. "The crystal
temple is enhanced with a clipped-on, stainless steel hinge support,
which provides a hint of color." Read more.
More Patients Turning to Online Buying
"You get what you pay for when you buy cheap eyeglasses or contact lenses over the Internet, says Dr. Lil Linton," according to a Times&Transcript post. "'A
lot of people don't realize that a lot of the new (online) companies
out there don't really care what they sell you,' the Perth-Andover
optometrist says." Linton is president of the Canadian Association
of Optometrists, which is about to launch an intensive campaign warning
of the pitfalls of buying glasses or contacts online, which according to
them includes disreputable vendors, eye infections and ending up with
eyewear that does more harm than good. Yet an untold number of New
Brunswickers are turning to their computers instead of their eye
doctors and opticians when it's time to get, or update, their eyeglasses
- and many are very happy with their choice." Read more.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Studying Link between Poor Vision and Depression
"More than a third of blind and visually-impaired people could also suffer from depression, it has been claimed," according a BBC post. "Researchers at Cardiff School of Optometry [Wales, Great Britain] are launching what they believe is the UK's first clinical study into the problem. Anyone with low vision can fill in questionnaires at opticians or optometrists in Wales in the next year. If necessary, they will be offered immediate treatment. The Depression in Visual Impairment Trial (DEPVIT) is being
conducted by the School of Optometry in conjunction with the Guide Dogs
for the Blind Association." Read more.
ODs Helping Mississippi's Babies
optometrists will offer appointments throughout the year to no-cost,
comprehensive eye and vision assessments for infants between six to 12
months of age through InfantSEE, according to a press release. To call attention to and emphasize
the importance of this effort, Governor Haley Barbour has proclaimed September 24 through October 1, 2011 InfantSEE Week in Mississippi. InfantSEE,
an ongoing public health program developed by Optometry Cares - The
AOA Foundation and Vistakon, Johnson & Johnson Vision Care, Inc.,
was designed to provide professional eye care for infants nationwide at
no-cost, regardless of family income or number of eligible children. Read more.
Consumers Don't Research before Buying CLs
"Over two-thirds of contact lens wearers spend less than an hour – or
no time at all – researching which lens is best for them, a survey by
Bausch & Lomb has found," says a post on Optometry.co.uk. "The newly-released study by the manufacturer compared attitudes on HD
technology to the importance placed on achieving the best vision
through vision-correction products. It found that 80% of contact lens
wearers owned the latest HD televisions and high-resolution digital
cameras – which they spent a great deal of time researching." Read more.
New Designs for Pq Eyewear
Ron Arad to launch Pq Eyewear collection at Silmo Renowned architect and designer Ron Arad will launch his first frame collection at the Silmo exhibition in Paris this month in collaboration with Pq Eyewear," according to OpticianOnline. "The collaboration has spawned three collections the A-Frame, Corbs and Silicon. The construction of the A-Frame product line facilitates an adjustable nose bridge for best fit. Pictured is the Coil frame, a futuristic design in dark silver with contrasting red piping." Read more.
Investors Give Warby Parker $12 Million
"Investors believe that Warby Parker‘s future is so bright that it needs to wear shades–stylish, affordable shades," says WallStreet Journal.
"Compare that to retail prices that range into the hundreds. Launched online early last year from scratch, Warby Parker leverages
e-commerce to eliminate much of the overhead involved in operating a
brick-and-mortar retail store and passes those savings on to customers....Keen on the model, investors have just placed $12 million in Series A
capital for the company in a round led by hedge fund Tiger Global, with
participation from Menlo Ventures’ Talent Fund and previous investors
First Round Capital, Lerer Ventures and Thrive Capital. The company
previously raised $1.5 million." Read more.
- Warby Parker’s founders, clockwise from top left: Neil Blumenthal, Andrew Hunt, David Gilboa and Jeffrey Raider
![]() |
Hugo Boss Eyewear Sails with New Captain
Guillermo Altadill, the celebrated
Spanish round-the-world sailor, will be joining Alex aboard Hugo Boss for the 2011 edition of the Transat Jacques Vabre race, which starts in
Le Havre on Sunday October 30th, according to the company 's press release. Skippers, boat and crew are supported
by Hugo Boss and Hugo Boss Eyewear, the brand that includes ranges of
optical frames and sunglasses produced by Safilo on license from the
brand. Read More.
Friday, September 23, 2011
Vision Benefit Returned to Auto Retirees
"Hourly retirees from General Motors and Chrysler will have at least some
of their lost dental and vision coverage restored in 2012, their health
care trust says, helping to reassure retirees who had complained about
not benefiting in GM's new labor agreement with the UAW," reports the DetroitFreePress. Read more.
Fatheadz Launches New Line
Eyewear, which makes eyewear for
men and women with fat heads, will reportedly launch of its
new women's line, Dea, and the addition of 10 new styles to its men's
line of optical glasses and sunglasses. The new Fatheadz and Dea
prescription glasses will be available for purchase at all Canadian
Walmart Vision Centers on December 1, 2011, as well as at fatheadz.com
and deaeyewear.com.
After Shaky Start, Optical Industry Will Grow Steadily
"After a period of growth and decline, the industry will experience
stable demand over the next five years," according to TransworldNews. "As the US population ages,
manufacturers will look to capitalize on heightened demand for lens
products. Nevertheless, smaller firms will be hurt by technological
advances, being forced to exit the industry or consolidate into larger
firms that seek access to their intellectual property." Read more. Not sure how much this helps since the first sentence is a bit confusing.
Empire BlueCross Teams Up with One Sight
"EyeLeen" |
Kate Spade Renews with Safilo
Safilo Group and kate
spade new york renewed their license agreement until December 31 2015 for the
design, production and international distribution of kate spade new
york’s women optical frames, sunglasses and related eyewear products for
the kate spade new york brand.
The multi-year agreement and additional three-year renewal option extends a partnership originally forged in 2005. Read more.
Europeans Using Stem Cells to Treat Stargardt's
"The European authorities have given the go ahead for trials to treat patients with Stargardt's Macular Dystrophy (SMD)
using retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) derived from human embryonic stem cells (hESCs)," reports MedicalNewsToday. "If successful, the trial may pave the
way to an effective treatment not only for SMD, but also for other degenerative diseases such as dry age-related macular
degeneration (AMD). The trial will be the first in Europe to use hESCs." Read more.
Thursday, September 22, 2011
AAO Opposes MedPAC's Medicare Proposal
The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC), independent Congressional advisory committee for
the Medicare program, late last week
introduced a proposal to fix the formula used to establish Medicare
physician pay that includes an 18 percent cut in reimbursement for
specialists (5.9 percent for three years), followed by a seven-year
freeze at the reduced level. Over the past decade, freezes in Medicare
reimbursement have already meant physician fees have lagged inflation by
about 16 percent, according to a press release from the American Academy of Ophthalmology. While the American Academy of Ophthalmology
is encouraged that MedPAC recognizes the critical need for a new
Medicare pay formula for physicians that protects patients' access to
quality medical care, the Academy strongly opposes the MedPAC proposal.Read more.
NEI Offers Eye Relief for Flood Victims
Northeastern Eye Institute, the leading provider of comprehensive
eye care in northeastern Pennsylvania, has pledged to provide free eye
care and corrective lenses to those impacted by the recent flooding. NEI has pledged to offer free refractions, the
portion of an eye exam that determines the eyeglass prescription, to
those who live in the affected areas. The institute also will replace single-vision or
bifocal eyeglasses or a two-month supply of daily disposable CLs. New and existing patients are eligible for the Flood Relief Effort. Appointments will be made
available on Saturday, October 1st in the Tunkhannock, Pittston, Main
Street Wilkes-Barre and Laurel Mall offices. Read more.
ECPs--Order Digitally Surfaced Lenses Online
:Eyecare professionals (ECPs) can now order digitally surfaced lenses directly from the Internet via MyLensClub.com," notes VisionCareProducts. "Founded by Louisville-based optical technology company, DirectLab USA,
MyLensClub.com combines Internet ordering, global sourcing, and local
delivery and services. The Internet-based discount club offers all major
lens brands and private-labeled customized lenses, featuring 18
materials and indexes from all major manufacturers. Positioning itself
as 'not just a virtual lab,' MyLens Club is supported by a network of
eight partner labs throughout the United States, Canada, Europe, and
Asia." Read more.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Shaun's Competing with Tom's in Giving Away Eyewear
"The 31-year-old Scotsman is the founder of Shaun's Shades,
a chic, California-based eyewear brand that strives to 'support,
empower and help solve the problem of visual impairment and eliminate
blindness,'" reports the HuffingtonPost. "Launched in August, the line gives its customers a unique
opportunity: all those who purchase a pair of Shaun's Shades sunglasses
also provide a pair of eyeglasses to one of 285 million people around
the world who suffer from visual challenges as part of a 'buy one, give
sight' mission.Thus far, Paterson's firm has provided about 5,000 pairs of free
eyeglasses to disadvantaged patients in Honduras and Ecuador, with
locations in Haiti and South Africa also expected to follow suit." Read more.
Whitledge Named Creative Director for TOMS
"By now you're probably familiar with the fact that TOMS has taken its one-for-one initiative to sunglasses,
but what you may not be up on is that the creative director behind the
new shades is John Whitledge: founder of super-cool Cali brand Trovata," according to GQ. Read more.
Seiko Comes Out with New "Computer" Lens
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
Kay Unger New York Releases a Collection
Kay Unger New York has spread its wings a little further this season
with its all new brand, Kay by Kay Unger. Distributed by Nouveau Eyewear, the collection
features classic, retro
styles with updated designs and color combinations. The retro K534 has horn-like plastic front and
laser-etched metal temples and is available in
three different fashion color combinations, including a stunningly
unique marbled ivory with gold metal temples.
The K536 takes a rounded eyeshape and adds color-combinations and decorative metal temple trims. It also has geometric, block patterning embellishes and comes in black on crystal, brown on crystal teal, and rose on light rose.Read more.
The K536 takes a rounded eyeshape and adds color-combinations and decorative metal temple trims. It also has geometric, block patterning embellishes and comes in black on crystal, brown on crystal teal, and rose on light rose.Read more.
Monday, September 19, 2011
Field Hockey Players Say New Protective Wear Creates Dangers
"The National Federation of High Schools, of which the Pennsylvania
Interscholastic Athletic Association is a member, mandated protective
eyewear for field hockey players starting with this season. But the
mandate doesn't appear to be popular with the players it's designed to
protect," notes Philly.com. "The players have a choice of two approved styles, a cage-like mask,
much like a baseball catcher's mask but only covering the eyes, or
something that looks like swimming goggles. Both types have their
disadvantages, the players say. Most of the complaints say the eyewear restricts
their vision, especially when a player is looking down. Some players
said that makes wearing them more dangerous than not wearing any
protection." Read more.
Space Blindness Could Hit Future Astronauts
"If NASA ever wants to send astronauts to Mars, it first must solve a problem that has nothing to do with rockets or radiation exposure," reports the OrlandoSentinel. "A newly discovered eye condition -- found to erode the vision of some
astronauts who've spent months aboard the International Space Station --
has doctors worried that future explorers could go blind by the end of
long missions, such as a multi-year trip to Mars." Read more.
Time Blogger Look Favorably on Online Retailer
Time magazine blogger comes out endorsing online retailing: "Consumers spend a lot of time worrying — or at least complaining — about
those prices that seem to keep climbing ever-higher: gasoline, health
insurance, college tuition. So it’s a pleasure to stumble, every once in
a while, on something that is getting cheaper." Read more.
Spy Optic Release Ophthalmic Collection
Spy Optic will debut its new ophthalmic collection, called Spy Rx, at Vision Expo West in Las Vegas.This product release reportedly enables the eyewear brand to extend its active lifestyle heritage and technical,
trend-setting frame and lens technologies into the optical category, according to a press release on MarketWatch. Read more.
L'Amy and Balmain Ink Deal
"L'AMY Group S.A., a designer, manufacturer, and distributor of prescription eyewear, entered into a licensing agreement with Balmain, a fashion couture house," according to a post on ResearchViews. "Under the agreement, L’Amy will focus on developing frames for brands including Chloe, Kenzo, Nina Ricci, Sonia Rykiel and Rochas, Theory, Proenza Schouler, Columbia and its own brand, L’Amy Lunettes." Read more.
Eyewear for People with Eye Disease
RoweBots Inc., a supplier of tiny embedded, real-time operating systems (RTOS), reported its Unison Operating System is is a component in Alivios, an
intelligent eyewear that is said to improve vision for individuals with eye diseases. The Unison OS controls a high definition video
camera, a Texas Instruments (TI) DaVinci digital media processor, and
near-to-eye displays. Read more.
Sunday, September 18, 2011
UK Parents Creating Marketing Craze for Baby Sunwear
"It is a sales boom that puts even the
most virulent marketing craze in the shade. Cautious parents are
flocking to buy sunglasses specially engineered to protect their babies’
eyes from the sun’s damaging rays, almost from the moment they are
born," reports the DailyMail. "Demand for the
high-specification designs has taken off to such an extent that one
British company has reported sales doubling every year – even though the
UK has been experiencing the worst summer weather in decades." Read more.
Saturday, September 17, 2011
B+L Introduces New Products at the Vienna Conference
Bausch + Lomb and Technolas Perfect
Vision GmbH (TPV) will introduce the Victus Femtosecond Laser Platform at the upcoming XXIX
Congress of the European Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgeons
(ESCRS 2011). The platform is a first-of-its-kind technology,
capable of supporting cataract, refractive and therapeutic procedures in
a single platform. The versatile platform is designed to enable greater
precision compared to manual cataract surgery techniques, potentially
enhancing the patient experience.Read more.
At the same conference, B+L will introduce "its new enVista glistening-free, hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens," according to a post on Sys-Con. The lens reportedly "represents a significant step forward in IOL technology. Setting the enVista apart from currently available IOLs is the unique combination of aspheric, aberration-free Advanced Optics technology, designed to deliver enhanced contrast sensitivity and better vision quality, with a clinically proven glistening-free material. In addition, the enVista lens design is intended to minimize posterior capsular opacification (PCO), a common long-term problem with IOLs that can cause patient vision to become clouded post-surgery." Read more.
At the same conference, B+L will introduce "its new enVista glistening-free, hydrophobic acrylic intraocular lens," according to a post on Sys-Con. The lens reportedly "represents a significant step forward in IOL technology. Setting the enVista apart from currently available IOLs is the unique combination of aspheric, aberration-free Advanced Optics technology, designed to deliver enhanced contrast sensitivity and better vision quality, with a clinically proven glistening-free material. In addition, the enVista lens design is intended to minimize posterior capsular opacification (PCO), a common long-term problem with IOLs that can cause patient vision to become clouded post-surgery." Read more.
Ford Emplyees Working with OneSight
The Ford Volunteer Corps has joined forces with OneSight on an
eyeglass drive in the Metro Detroit area. Employees and local residents
are being asked to bring in their old eyeglasses for free distribution
to eye care clinics around the world.Read more.
Luxottica Streamlines Its Sun Retail Chains
"Italian eyewear company Luxottica Group has deployed merchandising
and supply chain solution from Groupsoft...to expand its global retail infrastructure for its Sun
retail chains," according to RetailTechnology. "The solution utilizes SAP Retail enterprise
platform. According to Michael Braine, vice president of Retail IT for
Luxottica, the company has licensed SAP Retail to streamline its
merchandising and supply chain execution for the company's eyewear
retail store chains. He added that Groupsoft was chosen for its
retail-specific resources that had both general industry knowledge and
SAP IS-Retail specific experience." Read more.
Johnny Bench Endorses Online Retailer
Baseball legend Johnny Bench will promote the new eStore being launched by OpDocs (OpDocs.com),
an online fashion eyewear glasses retailer recently started by three
practicing optometrists, goes the company's press release. In the midst of a busy public speaking and
mentoring schedule, Bench has served as a mentor to the University of
Cincinnati baseball team. Bench has taken a great interest in the team;
he recently included them as part of a study of the benefits of High
Performance Vision Training, an approach to improving visual perception
that increased the team’s batting average by 34 points in a single year. Read more.
Company Uses Those Funky Looking Squares (QR Code) to Increase Sales
Business2Community notes that "over the course of 2010, Fatheadz nearly tripled its
sales revenue. According to Rico [Elmore, the CEO of
Fatheadz Eyeware], one of the factors that helped
Fatheadz realize exceptional growth this past year was their strategic
decision to align with athlete sponsors. Auto racers are frequently
seen wearing cool shades, so Fatheadz established a marketing
partnership with USAC (United States Auto Club). At USAC’s race events,
Fatheadz gives out souvenir ‘Hero Cards’ to their loyal fans. Imprinted
on the back of each Hero Card is a QR code that brings the user to a
mobile-formatted web page that highlights the driver appearing on the
front of the card. From here, users can read more about the driver and
order the same eyeware they wear. The result of this novel campaign has
been terrific." Read more.
How Hipster Glasses Went from Geek to Chic to Wear
The WashingtonPost reports:
“Those new glasses?”
Read more.When White House press secretary Jay Carney recently fielded a question about, of all things, his eyewear, he plunged into a danger zone more fraught than his sparring sessions with reporters over Syria’s regime or the latest unemployment figures. The question was a little flirty, a little taunting.
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Museum of Vision Offering Free Passes
On Sept. 23, the Museum of Vision, a public service program of the Foundation of the American Academy of Ophthalmology, will participate in Smithsonian Magazine's
seventh annual Museum Day. The Museum of Vision, the only institution in the United
States whose sole purpose is to preserve the history of ophthalmology
and celebrate its unique contributions to science and health, will join participating
museums and cultural institutions nationwide, including six San
Francisco museums, in opening their doors free of charge to all visitors
who download the Museum Day ticket from the Smithsonian Museum Day web
site: www.smithsonian.com/museumday. The museum has one of the world's leading collections of
ophthalmic history, containing approximately 38,000 items including
artifacts, archives and rare books. It current showcases the exhibit Collecting Ophthalmology: 30 years at the Museum in its San Francisco gallery. This exhibit highlights the wide array of artifacts dating from the 17th
century to the present day, such as the rare book
library, instrument collection, and eyeglasses. A preview can be found
online at the museum's website.
Carrera Launches New Promotion
Carrera has launched a new campaign created by the agency D’Adda, Lorenzini, Vigorelli, BBDO. It continues with Carrera's "After All, No Regrets" headline and showcases a series of characters wearing Carreras in exhilarating life
situations.The campaign, which was created based on online and social media feedback from fans, aims to identify an ideal list of the top 10 things to do in life, with no regrets.
"Enroll America" Coming to an Employer Near Your
Keep an eye on a new health industry coalition launching today: Enroll America," says the Wonkblog from the WashingtonPost. "The 42-member coalition, which includes health heavyweights like the
American Hospital Association and Aetna, has been in the works for over a
year now. Today, it launches with a single goal: getting millions of
Americans, newly-eligible for affordable insurance under the health
overhaul law, actually signed up. And if it succeeds, the health law
could end up covering many more of the uninsured than the law’s authors
-- or its detractors -- ever thought." Read more.
Riasing Money for Children's Eye Exams
The Chicago Tribune reports "VSP Vision Care, the largest not-for-profit vision benefits and services
company in the U.S., has launched an online Eye Pledge campaign: For
every person who visits seemuchmore.com/eyepledge and promises to take care of his or her own eyes, VSP
will donate a comprehensive eye exam and, if needed, a new pair of
prescription glasses to a member of the Boys and Girls Clubs of America.
(You don't have to submit private information.)
VSP has pledged to donate up to 50,000 vouchers for eye exams, worth more than $19 million." Read more.
Bolle Offical PGA Eyes in Australia
"The PGA today announced Bollé as the Official Eyewear of the PGA Tour
of Australasia in a deal extending across the next two years," says a PGA post. "The
partnership gives Bollé the ability to market their range of eyewear
through two of this season’s biggest sports events, the Emirates
Australian Open and the PGA Championship presented by Coca-Cola while
also gaining exposure through the PGA’s extensive golf channel." Read more.
Armani Launches Previoius Materials Collection
Safilo reports that Giorgio Armani always pushes the boundaries where precious materials are
concerned, continually producing iconic and timeless pieces. Giorgio Armani presents the Precious Materials Collection,
the new 2011/2012 collection with exotic leather finishes. This unique,
one-of-a-kind eyewear has a refined and unmistakable style that is
skilfully hand finished by expert craftsmen. Read more.
"When the Eyes First See Light"
MedicalNewsToday reports that "An investigation team in MIT's Picower Institute for Learning and Memory
and the Department of Brian and Cognitive Sciences, have identified
tiny molecular signals that administer how the connections between brain
cells mature when the eyes first see light." Read more.
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
Tyreke Evans Helps Kids with New Vision
"Sacramento Kings guard Tyreke Evans returned to his hometown of Chester,
Pa., on Tuesday to work with VSP Vision Care to provide free eye exams
and glasses to thousands of children." Read more of the ESPN post.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Three Generations See Eye Health Differently
According to a press release from the American Optometric Association (AOA), specific generations have different levels of
knowledge and varying views and habits when it comes to eye and vision
care. That's the result from its annual American Eye-Q survey. From seasonal eye allergies to UV protection to contact lens
hygiene, the survey finds that the traditionalist (or silent) generation
(1925-1945), baby boomers (1946-1964) and generations X (1965-1977) and
Y (1978-1994) all vary in their eye and vision knowledge and habits. For example, Younger generations are the most
diligent about following their doctor's contact lens wear and care
instructions. Gen Y-ers, are the most likely to replace their daily
disposable lenses on a daily basis as directed (43 percent), while baby
boomers proved to be the greatest offenders, with 67 percent admitting
to wearing lenses longer than recommended. Read more of the results.
Eyewear Seen as a Medical Necessity by Consumers
"As the economy continues to
struggle and disposable income remains limited, consumers are now more
likely to consider eyewear as a medical necessity in order to justify
their purchasing decision,:" according to a post no VisionMonday. "A recent study by The Vision Council
indicates that a large majority of eyeglass users/buyers (83 percent to
87 percent) view eyeglasses primarily as a medical necessity while a
slightly smaller majority of sunglass wearers (75 percent to 82 percent)
see plano sunglasses as a medical necessity." Read more.
Viva Comes Out with Skechers Eyewear
"Viva International Group introduces the Skechers Eyewear Fall 2011
collection, which includes four new women’s ophthalmic styles that
feature a dynamic fusion of trendy patterns and explosive color
combinations," according to MidwestLens. "Designed to coordinate perfectly with today’s fashions,
the frames’ graphics and designs reflect the core elements of the brand,
which offers a variety of optical and sun accessories for men, women
and children." Read more.
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